How Affiliate Programs Support Media Relations and Sales Initiatives for Brands

Affiliate programs create a mutually beneficial relationship between brands and journalists and influencers. Unique affiliate links allow journalists and influencers to earn commission when promoting a product or brand on their platforms and give brands the ability to measure sales and ROI. Here are three reasons to consider enhancing your brand’s media and influencer relations strategy with an affiliate program.

NuLids Offers Simple, At-Home Solution for Dry Eye, Reducing Effects of Screen Time on Eyes

Increased time spent behind screens can lead to symptoms like headaches and lack of sleep, as well as a condition referred to as dry eye. Dry eye occurs when the tear duct and the tear gland cannot provide adequate moisture to the eye, making the eye dry, red, and inflamed. Dr. John Olkowski, a corneal specialist, created NuLids to save patients with dry eye time and money with a simple, yet effective solution for dry eye relief at home.

Just Add Ice Orchids Case Study

Just Add Ice Orchids Case Study – PitchBox Media

Just Add Ice Orchids were featured in the PitchBox Media Self Care themed shipment among products designed to help individuals hit reset, refresh, and practice a little self love. Following their inclusion in the Self Care theme, Just Add Ice Orchids received numerous editorial inclusions and glowing feedback from PitchBox Media subscribers. Download the case study to view the results.