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The Resource Center

The online resource center contains brand essentials including images, logos, fact sheets, and press releases.

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  • Insights in Every Box

    Insights In Every Box

    Theme-specific supporting data and insights along with details on the significance of the products in today’s marketplace is included with every box shipment.

  • Speed and Efficiency

    Centralized Media Center

    Find all the resources you need to file your story in one centralized, digital platform with images, downloads, fact sheets, product specifications, MediaMatch access, trend report, and more.

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  • QUARTER 1 - 2023

    Get Outdoors
    Plants + Gardening
    Home Edition
    Mother’s + Father’s Day

  • QUARTER 3 - 2023

    Babies, Toddlers + Parenting
    Holiday Gifts + Stocking Stuffers
    Winter Cooking + Entertaining

  • QUARTER 2 - 2023

    Sustainable Lifestyle
    Summer Cooking + Entertaining
    Cocktails + Mixology
    Friendly + Plant-Based Products

  • QUARTER 4 - 2023

    Family Health + Wellness

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